Moment Wealth (now Super Advisor) is accepted into San Francisco accelerator ODX

Moment Wealth (now Super Advisor) is accepted into San Francisco accelerator ODX
Moment Wealth (now Super Advisor) is accepted into San Francisco accelerator ODX

We're excited to announce that Moment Wealth has been accepted into the inaugural cohort of the ODX accelerator that has deep roots in San Francisco.

On Deck is funded by industry titans like Chamath Palihapitiya (Social Capital), Eric Yuan (Zoom), Keith Rabois (Founders Fund) and Dylan Field (Figma) along with a network of hundreds of people in the On Deck community.

ODX, the accelerator created by the team at On Deck, helps founders raise capital, hire talent and find customers with an extensive network of venture capital and angel investors, founders and fellows.

The program is slated for an official start date on January 8, 2022, and applications are still open if you are thinking of applying with your own startup.

"With the backing of ODX, we'll be able to leverage the extensive network of founders, investors and operators around the world to build a world-class startup from right here in Toronto." says Miguel Fernando, founder of Moment Wealth.

"We're excited to get more advisors on board and excited to use our software to deliver personalized advice at scale."

Moment Wealth is targeting a beta launch in early 2022.

If you're an investment advisor or financial planner and want to learn more, visit our site at or get in touch with Miguel at